Congratulations to Henry L, our June 2021 Student Of The Month! Your hard work and effort is paying off and we are excited to hear you jam on your guitar next weekend at #julyjam2021 ...
Parents & Students, We want to keep June Jam to an hour long in duration so we are limiting the number of performers. If you want to perform on Saturday, June 26th please sign up now. Remember, everyone is welcome to attend and enjoy the concert with your family and friends. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, snacks, etc. We’ll have a great time ...
Congratulations to Sophia C., this May’s Student of The Month recipient!
Congratulations to Maya M for winning our March 2021 Student Of The Month!
Congratulations to the February 2021 Student Of The Month Ryan M!
We want to thank all of our students but especially give an extra hooray to our SOTM winners for 2020! Congratulations to Gemma G, Casey F, Dani J, Colin D, Addison M, Addison R, Katherine B, Delaney S, Alexis H, and Catherine R. We are extremely proud of your extra work and effort. Our January 2021 Student Of The Month winners is Avery H! Congrats ...